Osteoporosis USA
Support is an important component in managing osteoporosis and can come in many forms, including help from friends and family, support groups and good communication with your health care providers.
This ‘Speaking from Experience’ video clips offers first-hand accounts from people who have been diagnosed with osteoporosis. Here, 5 participants and 1 caregiver discuss the types of support they have sought out and received following their diagnosis and the positive impact it has had on their own health management.
Clip 1 of 6: Osteoporosis USA
Play 6:54min 10.9 MB
Impact on life
Clip 2 of 6: Osteoporosis USA
Members Only 6:15min 9.8 MB
Clip 3 of 6: Osteoporosis USA
Members Only 7:11min 11.3 MB
Clip 4 of 6: Osteoporosis USA
Members Only 6:06min 9.6 MB
Staying positive
Clip 5 of 6: Osteoporosis USA
Members Only 3:10min 5 MB
Words of wisdom
Clip 6 of 6: Osteoporosis USA
Play 2:40min 4.2 MB