Osteoporosis USA
The effects of osteoporosis are manageable with medication, sufficient calcium and vitamin D and weight-baring exercise.
This ‘Speaking from Experience’ video clips offer first-hand accounts from people who have been diagnosed with osteoporosis. Here, 5 participants and 1 caregiver discuss their exercise regimes, diet, medications, and other ways they work to maintain bone mass and prevent further bone loss to manage their osteoporosis.
Clip 1 of 6: Osteoporosis USA
Play 6:54min 10.9 MB
Impact on life
Clip 2 of 6: Osteoporosis USA
Members Only 6:15min 9.8 MB
Clip 3 of 6: Osteoporosis USA
Members Only 7:11min 11.3 MB
Clip 4 of 6: Osteoporosis USA
Members Only 6:06min 9.6 MB
Staying positive
Clip 5 of 6: Osteoporosis USA
Members Only 3:10min 5 MB
Words of wisdom
Clip 6 of 6: Osteoporosis USA
Play 2:40min 4.2 MB